#!/bin/bash # parssh: Parallel SSH orchestration in a Bash session. # Copyright (C) 2015 James Pannacciulli # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . parssh () { (( $# )) || { _parssh.usage return $? } local _parssh_origopts=$- set -m local _parssh_outfun=_parssh.out local _parssh_prepend_host=true local _parssh_ssh=_parssh.ssh while [[ "$1" == -* ]]; do case ${1#-} in [0-9]*) [[ "${1#-}" != *[^0-9]* ]] && { local _parssh_concurrency=${1#-} } ;; s|-servers) [[ -r "$2" ]] || { echo "'$2': invalid file name or permissions issue" return 99 } local _parssh_servers="$2" shift ;; r|-rinput) [[ -r "$2" ]] || { echo "'$2': invalid file name or permissions issue" return 98 } local _parssh_rinput="$2" local _parssh_ssh=_parssh.ssh_rinput shift ;; b|-bare) unset _parssh_prepend_host ;; o|-out) touch "${2}."{out,err} || { echo "'${2}.{out,err}': unable to write / modify file" return 97 } local _parssh_outprefix="$2" local _parssh_outfun=_parssh.out_redirect shift ;; t|-tee) touch "${2}."{out,err} || { echo "'${2}.{out,err}': unable to write / modify file" return 96 } local _parssh_outprefix="$2" local _parssh_outfun=_parssh.out_copy shift ;; h|-help) _parssh.usage return $? ;; -) shift break ;; esac shift done [[ -z "$_parssh_servers" ]] && { [[ -t 0 ]] && { echo "No list of servers provided." return 79 } exec 9<&0 } || { exec 9<"$_parssh_servers" } while read host; do while (( $(jobs -pr | wc -l) >= ${_parssh_concurrency:-4} )); do sleep 1 done $_parssh_ssh "$@" 2> >(_parssh.host_prepend >&2) |\ _parssh.host_prepend & done <&9 2> >($_parssh_outfun err >&2) |\ $_parssh_outfun out wait exec 9>&- [[ "${_parssh_origopts//[^m]/}" == "m" ]] || set +m } _parssh.ssh () { ssh -no StrictHostKeyChecking=no $host -- "$@" } _parssh.ssh_rinput () { ssh -To StrictHostKeyChecking=no $host -- "$@" < "$_parssh_rinput" } _parssh.host_prepend () while read -r; do printf "${_parssh_prepend_host+$host: }%s\n" "$REPLY" done _parssh.out () { cat - } _parssh.out_redirect () { local _parssh_out_stream="$1" cat - > "${_parssh_outprefix}.${_parssh_out_stream}" } _parssh.out_copy () { local _parssh_out_stream="$1" tee "${_parssh_outprefix}.${_parssh_out_stream}" } _parssh.usage () { printf ' %s\n'\ "parssh: Parallel SSH orchestration in a Bash session."\ ""\ "SYNOPSIS"\ "parssh [-NUM] [-r|--rinput FILE] [-s|--servers FILE] [-b|--bare] [COMMANDS] [< SERVERS]"\ ""\ "DESCRIPTION"\ " -NUM (default: 4)"\ " Number of concurrent ssh connections to maintain. E.g. '-40'."\ ""\ " -r FILE, --rinput FILE (default: unset/inactive)"\ " File to send as STDIN redirection on remote servers."\ " (Can be used as replacement for or in conjunction with COMMANDS)."\ ""\ " -s FILE, --servers FILE (default: unset/inactive)"\ " File to use as list of servers to run COMMANDS on."\ " (Cannot be used in conjunction with a server list on STDIN)."\ ""\ " -b, --bare (default: unset/inactive)"\ " Disable prepending of hostname to each output line returned by COMMANDS on SERVERS."\ ""\ " -o PREFIX, --out PREFIX (default: unset/inactive)"\ " Redirect STDOUT / STDERR to PREFIX.out / PREFIX.err, respectively."\ ""\ " -t PREFIX, --tee PREFIX (default: unset/inactive)"\ " Copy STDOUT / STDERR to PREFIX.out / PREFIX.err, respectively."\ ""\ " COMMANDS"\ " The list of commands to be executed remotely by SSH on each SERVER."\ ""\ " < SERVERS"\ " Unless '-s' flag is used, STDIN will be used as list of remote servers."\ " (Deliniated by newlines)." return 1 }